
A day of Marius Copil’s life – training season

A day of Marius Copil’s life – training season

Because many of you asked me how a regular day in the training season looks for me, I decided, together with my strength and conditioning coach, Lucian Nicolescu, to write an article with all the details. Therefore, you can find below my schedule during the training season.

8:00 – Awakening

8:30 – Breakfast

This meal is a balanced one that contains carbohydrates, proteins and very little fat. The most common foods for breakfast are eggs, vegetables, gluten-free bread and oatmeal flakes. During breakfast he takes SiS Performance Multivitamin and SiS Super Strength Omega 3 1000mg, which we purchase from High Energy Romania.

10:00 – First training session, divided into two:

  1. Conditioning training. We are pursuing the improvement of biomechanics - movement on court and the development of the cardio-respiratory apparatus through continuous or intermittent running.
  2. Tennis training where Marius Copil develops technical-tactical abilities.

During these efforts, he takes SiS Go Electrolyte to sustain energy effort and Grenade Defend BCAA to avoid muscle catabolism. After the effort, is time for SiS Rego Rapid Recovery, which supports energy and muscle recovery. I recommend this products to all the tennis players as basic supplements.

13:30 – Lunch

This contains animal proteins and many carbohydrates, avoiding or reducing fat consumption after effort. An example may be white rice with vegetables, fish and salad mixed with a little bit of oil.

16:00 – The second training session is meant to prepare the locomotor system. 

Here, we develop explosive abilities (such as Marius' impressive service, 240km/h), or we do an antagonistic training, by working out the muscles that Marius doesn’t use on court. This is necessary to avoid muscle imbalances. We end the physical activity with recovery such as mobility and massage.

19:00 – Dinner 

This meal is similar to lunch for macronutrients. Occasionally, when the distance between meals is too big, Marius has snacks such as fruit or rice rolls.

After dinner, Marius Copil has recreational activities until 11PM when he gets ready for bed. We are aiming for 8.5 to 9 hours of sleep during the night to facilitate the body's recovery.

Tell us your opinion

Mihaela 30.01.2019
Buna Marius ... foarte frumoase si interesante detaliile pe care ni le.ai prezentat ... copilul meu are 10 ani si jumatate si joaca tenis la U12 , este foarte incantat sa te urmareasca in detaliu tot ceea ce faci tu vizavi de antrenamentul tau de tenis si de pregatirea ta fizica .... ne pare foarte bine ca am avut ocazia sa te si intalnim la Bucuresti alaturi de Simona la Stejarii .... nu stiu cum se juca tenis pe cand jucai tu la U12 dar acum la varsta copilului meu mi se pare ca tenisul e la un nivel foarte ridicat si ca multi copii se antreneaza foarte mult (atat pregatire fizica foarte intens cat si multe ore de tenis ) .... au saptamana foarte incarcata incat nu mai au timp si de alte activitati , asta pentru a putea tine ritmul cu cei care sunt la un nivel mai sus in tenis ..... as vrea parca o parere de la tine, ca de la un mare profesionist si care a trecut prin perioada asta , cum este ok pentru un copil la varsta de 11 ani si cum ar trebuii sa arate pregatirea lui vizavi de tenis ..... pt ca ma gandesc sa nu fie prea mult de pe acum ; se va satura si pe la 14-15 ani nu o sa mai vrea sa auda de tenis pt ca o sa se sature de aceasta presiune ..... multumesc mult si multa bafta si Doamne ajuta pe mai departe si sa auzim doar de bine

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